Contact SLS Vegas

Contact SLS Vegas ( Super Lucky Slots in Vegas).

Please note:  We are NOT SLS Resort Las Vegas, if you are trying to contact SLS Resort, add the word resort into your search.

We appreciate any feedback you can provide us with, especially if it improves your experience on SLS Vegas, we will act on any reasonable requests or suggestions..

Was your online casino experience with Super Lucky Slots a good one….we hope so.

We will also act on your behalf if you are having trouble dealing with an online casino.
Did your online Casino pay your winnings promptly, did your account manager answer your questions?

Please feel free to contact us if you have any queries about an online casino on SLS Vegas or if you have joined an online casino through SLS Vegas and would like to tell us about it.

As soon as you click through from SLS Vegas to an online casino site, you become our customer.  We value our customers and will reply to every email we receive, both praising us or offering negative feedback about us.

Thank you.

Ian Hazzard
Proud owner and operator of SLS Vegas AKA Super Lucky Slots Vegas.


Super Lucky Slots SLS Vegas
SLS Vegas Super Lucky Slots and online casino games